{# TODO improve this to remove the first test (each unit test should just sync the settings) #}
{% if
app.environment != 'test'
and settings.value(constant('App\\Settings\\SettingsManager::DISCLAIMER_COOKIE_TOGGLE')) == false
and not app.request.cookies.has(constant('App\\GDPR\\GDPR::GDPR_COOKIE_NAME')) %}
<div id="gdpr-container">
<div id="gdpr-popup" class="alert alert-info m-0 text-center">
<strong>{% trans %}This website uses cookies to manage user logging information. It does not sell personal data to third parties.{% endtrans %}</strong>
<br>{{ get_page_link(1, true)|raw }}
<form id="cookies-form" action="{{ path('gdpr') }}" method="post">
<input id="gdpr-checkbox" type="checkbox" required> <label for="gdpr-checkbox">{% trans %}I accept the use of cookies.{% endtrans %}</label>
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">{% trans %}OK{% endtrans %}</button>
{% endif %}